Website is Under Renovation , If You find any Issue Please Contact to Our Administration Department. 43rd ALL INDIA CONFRENCE & SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR is held on 22st & 22nd Oct 2024 in Jawahar Lal Audotorium, AIIMS, New Delhi

About FCC


There is a tremendous Opportunity to broaden the horizons of the AIMLTA and its Members by fostering International Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange.

The Medical Laboratory Technology field is rapidly evolving on a Global scale, by establishing strong relationships with our counterparts in other Countries, we can:
* Share best Practices: Learn from Innovative approaches and Advancements in Medical Laboratory Technology used Worldwide.
* Facilitate Exchange Programs: Enable our Members to gain valuable experience in International Healthcare settings.
* Promote Research Collaboration: Work together on Research Projects that address Critical Global Health Challenges.
* Elevate the Profession's standing: Contribute to the International recognition and Development of Medical Laboratory Technology as a vital Healthcare specialty.
* Facilitate Accreditation of our Members: Members who are employed or seeking employment Overseas can get evaluated / verified on a fast – track basis to establish that the Life Member is independently eligible to practice as a Medical Technologist / Scientist.